An Elevated Patient Experience

An Elevated Patient Experience

Intraoperative Anesthesia


Once you are in the procedure room, your anesthesiologist will begin monitoring your vital signs including heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. You may be asked to breathe from an oxygen mask. Medication will be delivered per your anesthetic plan.

You will have an anesthesiologist with you throughout your procedure, monitoring you carefully to ensure your safety and comfort. After your procedure, your anesthesiologist will stay with you until you are safely transferred to the care of your private recovery room nurse.


You will be monitored by a specialized postanesthesia care nurse until you are awake and stable enough to go home or to your hospital room. You may be given something to drink or eat if your surgical procedure allows.

We recommend starting with light, low-fat, low-protein meals to allow your body time to adjust from the effects of anesthesia. All instructions will be printed out for you upon discharge including contact information if you have any questions.

Postoperative Anesthesia

Pain Catheters

You may receive a continuous nerve block or epidural catheter as part of your anesthetic management. These catheters deliver pain medications around nerves to control pain. Delivering medication in this way can lower your use of oral or intravenous medications, reducing their side effects. Nerve block catheters are often placed for outpatient procedures.

Your treatment team will ensure that you feel comfortable managing any equipment you may be sent home with. Written instructions will also be provided. If you have any questions or concerns after discharge you may call (541) 734-0430 to be put in contact with an anesthesiologist.